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Using Logic and Reasoning to Decode Rebus Puzzles that Represent the Word "Heart"

Hearts and Valentines Rebus Puzzles
 Only $5.25
Do you have any idea what a rebus puzzle is? Essentially they are little pictures, often made with letters and words, which cryptically represent a word, phrase or saying. My college students love to solve rebus puzzles like the one on your right. Can you figure out what the picture represents? The clue I will give you is that it has to do with an expression that contains the word "heart". (See the answer at the end of this post.)

Since it is close to Valentine's Day, and college students don't have Valentine's parties, I decided to create several rebus puzzles that represent familiar expressions that contain the word "heart". (e.g. "From the Bottom of My Heart" or "Cross My Heart") Each illustration uses a picture or symbol to represent a word or phrase. The students must use logic and reasoning skills to solve the 26 rebuses. (Yes, I ended up with 26!)

If you purchase this resource, all you have to do is copy the 13 pages of illustrations (two per page) using a color copier. If you do not have access to a color copier, you can enhance the hearts by hand coloring them or have a student help you color. (My grandkids are great at coloring!)

Each class period during the month of February, I put up two heart illustrations as a focus activity. However, you could place one or more up at one time or all of them up at the same time. As my college students enter the room, they try to figure out what heart expressions the two pictures represent. Sometimes they solve the puzzle immediately; other times it takes them a while.  But no matter how long it takes, my students find that it is fun and engaging, in addition to being a very challenging Valentine's Day activity!


If you aren't sure that you wish to purchase the full resource, download the free one! It contains four rebus puzzles ready for you to copy.

*The answer to the above rebus is "A heart full of love."  Did you get it?

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