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A Santa Crossword for the Holidays

The legend of Santa Claus is based on the real-life St. Nicholas, a 4th century bishop in Myra, Turkey. St. Nicholas was known for his love for children and the poor. He has many names, but Santa Claus is his most famous name, and that comes from the Dutch "Sinterklaas" (based on "Saint Nicholas"). He's also known as Father Christmas, Kris Kringle, Christmas Man (in German) and Grandfather Frost (in Russian).

Since he has to cover the whole planet in 31 hours (thanks to time differences) that means Santa's sleigh must go at about 1,800 miles per second. I hope he wears a seatbelt! No one knows for sure exactly where he lives. We know he lives at the North Pole, but that covers a lot of ground. In Nordic legends, he is said to live in a small hill in Lapland, Finland. Quite far from the United States, then!

Here are some interesting numbers (this is a math blog.) If Santa delivered presents to every child on Earth, he would be carrying at least 400,000 tons of presents. Nine reindeer can't pull that much weight (not to mention the sleigh and Santa himself)!  In fact, he would need at least 360,000 reindeer. Good luck remembering all those reindeer names!

On Christmas Eve, do you ever wonder where Santa is? Don't worry, you can keep an eye on Santa's progress with GPS! The North American Aerospace Defence Command (NORAD) is the biggest program for this and will show you Santa's progress in several languages.

In honor of Santa and his reindeer, I've created two crossword puzzles for the holiday season. The 18 words used in both puzzles are: bed, Blitzen, Christmas Eve, Claus, Comet, Cupid, Dancer, Dasher, Donner, eight, Nicholas, North Pole, Prancer, Rudolph, sleigh, snow, stockings and Vixen. One crossword includes a word bank which makes it easier to solve while the other puzzle does not.  Answer keys for both puzzles are included. 

These might be fun for the kids to do while they are waiting for Santa to arrive!

Is zero an even number? Now, that's an "odd" question!

My daughter and her husband are heading to Las Vegas with his family to celebrate his parent's 50th wedding anniversary.  I guess when you are at the roulette table, (never been there or done that) and you bet "even" and the little ball lands on 0 or 00, you lose. Yep, it's true; zero is not considered an even number on the roulette wheel, something you better know before you bet.  This example is a non-mathematical, real-life situation where zero is neither odd or even.  But in mathematics, by definition, zero is an even number. (An even number is any number that can be exactly divided by 2 with no remainder.)  In other words, an odd number leaves a remainder of 1 when divided by 2 whereas an even number has nothing left over.  Under this definition, zero is definitely an even number since 0 ÷ 2 = 0 has no remainder.

Zero also fits the pattern when you count which is the same as alternating even (E) and odd (O) numbers.
Most math books include zero as an even number; however, under special circumstances zero may be excluded. (For example, when defining even numbers to mean even NATURAL numbers.) Natural numbers are the set of counting numbers beginning with 1 {1, 2, 3, 4, 5....}; so, zero is not included. Consider the following simple illustrations. Let's put some numbers in groups of two and see what happens.
As you can see, even numbers such as 4 have no "odd man out" whereas odd numbers such as 3 always have one left over. Similarly, when zero is split into two groups, there is not a single star that does not fit into one of the two groups. Each group contains no stars or exactly the same amount. Consequently, zero is even.

Algebraically, we can write even numbers as 2n where n is an integer while odd numbers are written as 2n + 1 where "n" is an integer. If n = 0, then 2n = 2 x 0 = 0 (even) and 2n + 1 = 2 x 0 + 1 = 1 (odd). All integers are either even or odd. (This is a theorem). Zero is not odd because it cannot fit the form 2n + 1 where "n" is an integer. Therefore, since it is not odd, it must be even.

I know this seems much ado about nothing, but a great deal of discussion has surrounded this very fact on the college level. Some instructors feel zero is neither odd or even. (Yes, we like to debate things that seem obvious to others.)

Consider this multiple choice question. (It might just appear on some important standardized test.) Which answer would you choose and why?

Zero is…
            a) even
            b) odd
            c) all of the above
            d) none of the above

Mathematically, I see zero as the count of no objects, or in more formal terms, it is the number of objects in the empty set. Also, since zero is defined as an even number in most math textbooks, and is divisible by 2 with no remainder, then "a" is my answer.

Problem Solving With Number Tiles in Middle School

Math Activities for Grades 5-8
I prefer using hands-on activities when teaching math. One of the most successful items I have used is number tiles. Because number tiles can be moved around without the need to erase or cross out an answer, I have discovered that students are more at ease and more willing to try challenging activities. There is something about not having a permanent answer on the page that allows the student to explore, investigate, problem solve, and yes, even guess.

I have created several number tile booklets, but the one I will feature today is for grades 5-8. It is a booklet that contains 15 different math problem solving activities that range from addition and multiplication, to primes and composites, to exponent problems, to using the divisibility rules. Since the students do not write in the book, the pages can be copied and laminated so that they can be used from year to year. These activities may be placed at a table for math practice or as a center activity. They are also a perfect resource for those students who finish an assignment or test early. Use these activities to reteach a concept to a small group as well as to introduce a new mathematical concept to the whole class.

Free Resource
Students solve the Number Tile Math Activities by arranging ten number tiles, numbered 0-9. Most of the number tile activities require that the students use each tile only once. The number tiles can be made from construction paper, cardboard, or square colored tiles that are purchased.  (How to make the number tiles as well as storage ideas is included in the handout.) Each problem is given on a single page, and each activity varies in difficulty which is suitable for any diverse classroom. Since the students have the freedom to move the tiles around, they are more engaged and more willing to try multiple methods to find the solution. Some of the problems will have just one solution while others have several solutions. These activities are very suitable for the visual and/or kinesthetic learner.

A free version for each of my number tile resources is listed below. Just click on the link to download the freebie.

Glyphs Can Help Students Gather Information, Interpret Data, and Follow Directions

What is a Glyph?
A glyph is a non-standard way of graphing a variety of information to tell a story. It is a flexible data representation tool that uses symbols to represent different data. Glyphs are an innovative instrument that shows several pieces of data at once and necessitates a legend/key to understand the glyph and require problem solving, communication, and data organization.

Remember coloring pages where you had to color in each of the numbers or letters using a key to color certain areas? Or how about coloring books that were filled with color-by-numbers? These color-by-number pages are a type of glyph. Some other activities we can call glyphs would be the paint-by-number kits, the water paints by color coded paint books, and in some cases, even model cars. Some of the model cars had numbers or letters attached to each piece that had to be glued together. These days, this could be considered a type of glyph.

What is the Purpose of a Glyph?

A glyph is a symbol that conveys information nonverbally. Glyphs may be used in many ways to get to know more about students and are extremely useful for students who do not possess the skill to write long, complex explanations. Reading a glyph and interpreting the information represented is a skill that requires deeper thinking. Students must be able to analyze the information presented in visual form. In other words, a glyph is a way to collect, display and analyze data. They are very appropriate to use in the CCSS data management strand (see standards below) of math.  Glyphs actually a type of graph as well as a getting-to- know-you type of activity.

CCSS.Math.Content.1.MD.C.4  Organize, represent, and interpret data with up to three categories;
ask and answer questions about the total number of data points, how many in each category, and how many more or less are in one category than in another. 

CCSS.Math.Content.2.MD.D.10  Draw a picture graph and a bar graph (with single-unit scale) to represent a data set with up to four categories. Solve simple put-together, take-apart, and compare problems using information presented in a bar graph. 

For example, if the number of buttons on a gingerbread man tells how many people are in a family, the student might be asked to “Count how many people are in your family. Draw that many buttons on the gingerbread man." Since each child is different, the glyphs won't all look the same which causes the students to really look at the data contained in them and decide what the glyphs are showing.

Holiday glyphs can be a fun way to gather information about your students. You can find several in my Teachers Pay Teachers store.  My newest one is for Thanksgiving and involves reading and following directions while at the same time requiring problem solving, communication and data organization. The students color or put different items on a turkey based on information about themselves. Students finish the turkey glyph using the seven categories listed below. 

1) Draw a hat on the turkey (girl or a boy?)
2) Creating a color pattern for pets or no pets.
3) Coloring the wings based on whether or not they wear glasses.
4) Writing a Thanksgiving greeting based on how many live in their house.
5) Do you like reading or watching TV the best?
6) How do they get to school. (ride or walk?)
7) Pumpkins (number of letters in first name)

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Are Calculators a Math Tool or a Hindrance to Learning?

Once upon a time, two mathematicians, Cal Q. Late and Tommy Go Figure, were having a argument, really.

"Calculators are terrific math tools," said one of the mathematicians.

"I agree, but they shouldn't be used in the classroom" said the other.

"But?" asked Tommy Go Figure, and this is when the argument started. "That is just crazy!  I agree that having a calculator to use is a convenience, but it does not replace knowing how to do something on your own with your own brain."

"Why should kids have to learn how to do something that they don't have to do, something that a calculator can always be used for?" Cal Q. Late argued.

Tommy retorted,  "Why should kids not have the advantage of knowing how to do math?  To me, a calculator is like having to carry an extra brain around in their pockets.  What if they had to do some figuring and did not have their calculators with them?  Or what if the batteries were dead? (Here's a good reason for solar calculators.) What about that?"

Cal reminded Tommy, "No one is ever in that much of a rush. Doing math computation is rarely an emergency situation. Having to wait to get a new battery would seem to take less time than all the time it would take to learn and practice how to do math. That takes years to do, years that kids could spend doing much more interesting things in math."

"Look," Tommy went on, exasperated, "kids need to depend on themselves to do jobs. Using a calculator is not bad, but it should not be the only way kids can do computation. It just doesn't make sense."

Cal would not budge in the argument. "The calculator is an important math tool. When you do a job, it makes sense to use the best tool there is to to that job. If you have a pencil sharpener, you don't use a knife to sharpen a pencil. If you are in a hurry, you don't walk; you go by car. You don't walk just because it is the way people used to travel long ago."

"Aha!" answered Tommy. "Walking is still useful. Just because we have cars, we don't discourage kids from learning how to walk. That is a ridiculous argument."

This argument went on and one and on...and to this day, it has not been resolved. So kids are still learning how to compute and do math with their brains, while some are also learning how to use calculators.  What about you?  Which mathematician, Cal Q. Late or Tommy Go Figure, do you agree with?


Of course, this argument was made up, but it is very much like the argument schools and teachers are having about what to do with kids and calculators. What do you think?  Leave your comment for others to read.

My Students Are Having Difficulty Memorizing Those Dreaded Math Facts!

Many of my college students come to me without knowing their math facts. Some do, but most do not. Since we use calculators in the class, it really isn't an issue.  It just takes those students longer to do a test or their homework. One day, the students in my Basic Algebra Concepts class (a remedial math class) were playing a math game to practice adding and subtracting positive and negative numbers. We were using double die (see picture) where a small dice is located inside a larger dice. (I have to keep an eye on these because they tend to "disappear." The students love them!)  I noticed one of my students continually counting the dots on the die. He was unable to see the group of dots and know how many were in the set.  It was then that I realized he could not subitize sets. (to perceive at a glance the number of items presented)

Subitizing sets means that a person can look at a grouping or a set and identify how many there are without individually counting them.  (i.e. three fingers that are held up)  When a child is unable to do this, they cannot memorize math facts since memorizing is associating an abstract number with a concrete set.  Many teachers as well as parents fail to recognize the root cause of this memorization problem.  AND no amount of practicing, bribing, yelling, or pulling out your hair will change the situation.  So what can you do?

First of all, the problem must be identified.  Use a dice and see if the child must count each dot on each face. Try holding up fingers or laying out sets of candy (M&M's - yummy!) or using dominoes. Put five beans in a container, and ask the child how many are in the box. (They may count them the first few times.)  Take them out, and put them back in.  Ask the child again how many there are.  If, after several times, s/he is unable to recognize the set as a whole, then s/he cannot subitize sets.

How do you help such a child?  If you have small children at home, begin subitizing sets by holding up various combinations of fingers.  My youngest grandson just turned four; so, we worked on holding up two fingers on one hand and two fingers on the other; then one and three fingers, and of course, four fingers. I also like to use dominoes. They already have set groupings which can be identified, added, subtracted, and even multiplied. A dice is great because the child thinks you are playing a game, not doing math.  Roll one dice, and ask the child to identify the set of dots. Try the bean idea, but continue to change the number of beans in the box.  My grandchildren love the candy idea because they are allowed to eat them when we are done.  (All children need a little sugar now and then even though their parents try to control the intake.  I love being a Grandma!)

Gregory Tang has written two wonderful books for older children, The Grapes of Math and Math for All Seasons, which emphasize subitizing sets. At times, I even use them in my college classes!  I was fortunate to attend two of his workshops presented by Creative Mathematics. He not only has a sense of humor, but his books can be read again and again without a child becoming bored. Check them out! 

Achieving Successful and Effective Parent/Teacher Conferences

If you are like most teachers, you are preparing for your first round of parent/teacher conferences. Now that I teach on the college level, this is one activity I currently don't have to do, but when I did, I really did enjoy them. Why? Because I was prepared with more than just the student's grades. Here are some of the ways I got ready.

First, in preparing for parent/teacher conferences, what can you do on a daily basis? Is the conference based on simply talking about grades or are there additional items that need discussing? How can an observation be specific without offending the parent or guardian? How is it possible to remember everything?

I kept a clipboard in my classroom on which were taped five 6” x 8” file cards so they overlapped - something like you see in the two pictures above. Each week, I tired to evaluate five students, writing at least two observations for each child on the cards. At the end of the week, the file cards were removed and placed into the children's folders. The next week, four different students were chosen to be evaluated. In this way, I did not feel overwhelmed, and had time to really concentrate on a small group of children. By the end of 4-5 weeks, each child in the class had been observed at least twice. By the end of the year, every child had been observed at least eight different times.

Below are sample observations which might appear on the cards.


Mary Kay

Likes to work alone; shy and withdrawn;  wears a great deal of make-up.

She has a good self concept and is friendly. Her preferred learning style is  visual based on the modality survey.



Leader, at times domineering, likes to  play games where money is involved.

His preferred learning style is auditory  (from the modality survey). He can be a  “bully,” especially in competitive games. He tends to use aggressive language with  those who are not considered athletic.

By the time the first parent/teacher conferences rolled around, I had at least two observations for each child. This allowed me to share specific things (besides grades) with the parents/guardians. As the year progressed, more observations were added; so, that a parent/guardian as well as myself could readily see progress in not only grades, but in a student's behavior and social skills. The cards were also an easy reference for filling out the paperwork for a 504 plan or an IEP (Individual Education Plan). As a result of utilizing the cards, I learned pertinent and important facts related to the whole child which in turn created an effective and relevant parent/teacher conference.

To keep the conference on the right track, I also created a checklist to use during parent/teacher conferences.  It featured nine characteristics listed in a brief, succinct checklist form. During conferences, this guide allowed me to have specific items to talk about besides grades. Some of the characteristics included were study skills and organization, response to assignments, class attitude, inquiry skills, etc. Since other teachers at my school were always asking to use it, I rewrote it and placed it in my TPT store. It is available for only $2.00, and I guarantee it will keep your conferences flowing and your parents focused! When you have time, check it out!

"BOO" to Fractions? Identifying Equivalent Fractions, Reducing Fractions to Lowest Terms

Here is a Halloween riddle: Which building does Dracula like to visit in New York City? Give up? It's
the Vampire State Building!! (Ha! Ha!) Here is another riddle. What do ghosts eat for breakfast? Scream of Wheat and Ghost Toasties!

Okay, so what do these riddles have to do with teaching math? I have been attempting to come up with ways for my students to recognize fractional parts in lowest terms. As you know from this blog, I have used Pattern Sticks, the Divisibility Rules, and finding Digital Root. These are all strategies my students like and use, but to be a good mathematician requires practice - something most of my students dread doing. I can find many "drill and kill" activities, but they tend to do just that, drill those who don't need it and kill those who already know how to do it. So to drill and "thrill", I created fractional word puzzles for specific times of the year.

The one for October is Halloween Fraction Riddles. It contains eight riddles that the students must discover by correctly identifying fractional parts of words. For instance, my first clue might be:

The first 2/3's of WILLOW. The word WILLOW contains six letters. It takes two letters to make 1/3; therefore, the first 2/3's would be the word WILL. This causes the students to group the letters (in this case 4/6), and then to reduce the fraction to lowest terms. The letters are a visual aid for those students who are still having difficulty, and I observe many actually drawing lines between the letters to create groups of two. 

At first, I thought my students would breeze through the activities, but to my surprise, they proved to be challenging as well as somewhat tricky - just perfect for a Trick or Treat holiday. Maybe this is an activity you would like to try with your intermediate or middle school students. Just click on this link: Halloween Fraction Riddles.

Is Homework an Essential Part of School? defines homework as "schoolwork assigned to be done outside the classroom (distinguished from classwork)", but is homework beneficial? Teaching on the college level, I see many benefits to those students who have been required to complete real homework in high school. Here are just a few.

1) Homework can improve student achievement. Studies show that homework improves student achievement in terms of better grades, test results, and the likelihood of attending college.

2) Homework helps to reinforce learning and to develop good study habits and life skills. Homework assists students in developing key skills that they will use throughout their lives, such as accountability, self-sufficiency, discipline, time management, self-direction, critical thinking, and independent problem-solving. Homework assignments given to students actually help students prepare for getting a higher education degree. In fact, the more time a student spends honing his skills, the higher his chances are to enter the University of his dreams or later acquire the work he always wanted to do.

3) Homework can make students more responsible. Knowing that each homework assignment has a specific deadline that cannot be postponed makes students more responsible. It requires grit (perseverance), teaches them time management and causes them to prioritize their time for academic lessons.

As you read this list, I know there are many of you, especially those who have small children or teach younger children, who disagree. I am not here to argue about whether homework is appropriate in the lower grades, but I do want to advocate real homework on the high school level. When I say real homework here is what I mean.

In high school, students might finish their homework in the hall right before class and still earn a good grade; that just isn't possible in college. Homework may be due on a certain day, but it is acceptable if it is turned late. This typically doesn’t float on the college level. In high school, a student gets to the end of a semester and needs a few more points to pull up a grade because of missing or incomplete assignments; so, the student asks the teacher for extra credit work. Extra credit does not exist on the college level! You do the work you are given when you are given it!

I teach college freshmen, many who are woefully unprepared for the academic rigors and demands that are expected. For every one hour students take in college, they should expect two hours of outside work. In other words, if a student is taking 12 hours, they should expect to spend 24 hours on homework (12 x 2).  Of course this formula doesn't always work perfectly, but it is a good starting point. Usually, college freshmen are in disbelief that they are expected to spend so much time on work outside of class. In reality, they should expect to spend as much time on homework in college as they would at a job because college is a full time job!
Help, we're sinking!

When I hand out my syllabus, many of my freshmen are astonished when they discover the amount of homework I expect and require them to do (readings, papers, on-line research, projects, etc.) AND to compound the problem, many instructors (including me) expect it to be done and handed in on time! Unfortunately, several students have to test the waters to find out that late papers are not accepted.

For those college students who've had little real homework in high school compounded by teachers who have allowed it to be turned in late, those students are aboard a sinking ship that is leaking fast! Sadly, those are the 2-3 students who fail my required class and have to retake it the next semester.

So, as you can see, the decision to agree with or disagree with assignments is really up to the student, but also they need to remember that the learning institution they attend has rules in place regarding assignments. And if homework is assigned, then it will need to be completed and handed in on time, or the impact on the final semester grade will certainly be negative.

Want a quicker and easier way to grade math homework? Try one of these two math rubrics. I still use them on the college level, and they save me a great deal of time!

Be-Leaf Me! Fall is Great! Using Leaves in Primary Science Investigations

When my husband's Aunt Sue moved to Florida, she would send home some strange requests.  One year, she wanted us to send her a box of fall leaves.  Since Florida lacks deciduous trees, her students were unaware of the gorgeous colors produced by the trees up north.  The only problem with her request was that the leaves we sent would be dry and crumbling by the time she received them. What to do?

I solved the problem by ironing the leaves between two sheets of wax paper.  It was something I had learned in elementary school many, many years ago (back when the earth was cooling).  My granddaughters still collect leaves so we can do the activity together.  Here is how you do it.
  1. Find different sizes and colors of leaves.
  2. Tear off two sheets of waxed paper - about the same size.
  3. Set the iron on "dry".  No water or steam here!
  4. The heat level of the iron should be medium.
  5. Place leaves on one piece of the waxed paper.
  6. Lay the other piece on top.
  7. Iron away!
Above, on the right, you will see what ours looked like when we were finished.

You can also use this activity to identify leaves.  According to my husband who knows trees, leaves and birds from his college studies, we "waxed" a maple leaf, sweet gum leaf, elm leaf, cottonwood leaf (the state tree of Kansas), and two he doesn't recognize because they are some kind of ornamentals. So my suggestion is to get out there and start gathering leaves because your students, children and grandchildren will love me!

Do you want your students to have fun with leaves? Check out  a six lesson science performance demonstration for the primary grades which utilizes leaves. This inquiry guides the primary student through the scientific method of 1) exploration time, 2) writing a good investigative question, 3) making a prediction, 4) designing a plan, 5) gathering the data, and 6) writing a conclusion based on the data. A preview of the investigation is available. Just click on the title. After all you might have an unbe-leaf-able time!

The ROOT of the Problem - Finding Digital Root to Reduce Fractions

When students skip count, they can easily say the 2's, 5's, and 10's which translates into easy memorization of those particular multiplication facts.  Think what would happen if every primary teacher had their students practice skip counting by 3's, 4's, 6's, 7's, 8's and 9's!  We would eradicate the drill and kill of memorizing multiplication and division facts.

Since many of my college students do not know their facts, I gravitate to the Divisibility Rules.  Sadly, most have never seen or heard of them.  I always begin with dividing by 2 since even numbers are understood by almost everyone.  (Never assume a student knows what an even number is as I once had a college student who thought that every digit of a number must be even for the entire number to be even.) We then proceed to the rules for 5 and 10 as most students can skip count by those two numbers.

Finally, we learn about the digital root for 3, 6, and 9. This is a new concept but quickly learned and understood by the majority of my students. (See the definition below which is from A Simple Math Dictionary available on TPT).

Here are several examples of finding Digital Root:

a) 123 = 1 + 2 + 3 = 6. Six is the digital root for the number 123. Since 123 is an odd number, it is not divisible by 6. However, it is still divisible by 3.

b) 132 = 1 + 3 + 2 = 6. Six is the digital root for the number 132. Since 132 is an even number, it is divisible by 6 and by 3.

c) 198 = 1+ 9 + 8 = 18 = 1 + 8 = 9. Nine is the digital root for the number 198; so, 198 is divisible by 9 as well as by 3.

4d201 = 2 + 0 + 1 = 3. Three is the digital root for the number 201; so, 201 is divisible by 3.

The first time I learned about Digital Root was about eight years ago at a workshop. I was beside myself to think I had never learned Digital Root. Oh, the math classes I sat through, and the numbers I tried to divide by are too numerous to mention! It actually gives me a mathematical headache. And to think, not knowing Digital Root was the ROOT of my problem!

A teacher resource on Using the Divisibility Rules and Digital Root is available at Teachers Pay Teachers. If you are interested, just click under the resource cover on your right.

Different Ideas on How to Teach Long Division

As presented in an earlier posting, there is another way to approach long division.  However, since many of you are required to present it the long way, here are a couple of ideas to make it easier for your students.

First of all, have the students use graph paper.  The squares help to keep the numbers aligned which seems to be a problem for many students.  If you don't have graph paper, you can download free templates at Donna Young's Free Graph Paper and make your own.  I like the idea of separating the problems with lines to ensure there is no cross over from one problem to another.

Secondly, try using the acronym (a mnemonic device) of Does McDonald's Sell Cheese Burgers.  I have see this acronym many times on Pinterest, but usually the C is omitted.

Check means that after the student has subtracted, they should check to see if the remainder is smaller than the divisor.  If it is equal to or larger than the divisor, then enough was not taken out of the dividend.  This is a step often skipped when long division is taught; yet, if the student doesn't check and make the needed correction, the answer (quotient) will be wrong.

In order to learn division, the student must first have a good understanding of multiplication. Students don’t need to perfectly know all of the times tables, but a majority of the facts or having a reasonably quick strategy to figure out the answer is necessary.

Start by practicing division using the number series the students can easily skip count such as 2 and 5. Then gradually move up to nine. After that, move to division by double digit numbers using 10 since most students know how to skip count by 10. Once the concept is understood, teaching division will become more about guided practice to help your child to become comfortable with the division operation which, in reality, is a different kind of multiplication practice.

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The Long and Short of It - Two different ways to do long Division

My remedial college math class is currently working on fractions. (Yes, even many college students don't understand them!) When we discussed how to change an improper fraction to a mixed numeral, long division came up. I showed the class a shortcut I was taught many years ago (approximately when the earth was cooling) and none, no not even one student, had seen it before. I wonder how many of you are unfamiliar with it as well? First let's look at long division and how most students are taught today. We will use 534 divided by 3.

Now if that doesn't make your head swim, I don't know what will. Everything written in the third column is what the student must mentally do to solve this problem. Then we wonder why students have trouble with this process. There is another way, and it is called short division for a reason. This is the way I learned it.......

I don't know about you, but I would rather have my students doing mental math to solve division problems than writing everything out in the long form. And the paper and frustration you will save will be astounding! So what will it be.....long division or short division?

s a Side Note
Since many students do not know their multiplication tables, reducing fractions is almost an impossible task. The divisibility rules, if learned and understood, can be an excellent math tool. This resource contains four easy to understand divisibility rules and includes the rules for 1, 5, and 10 as well as the digital root rules for 3, 6, and 9. A clarification of what digital root is and how to find it is explained. Also contained in the resource is a dividing check off list for use by the student. If you are interested, just click under the resource title page.

Do You Know What a Vinculum Is? Here's a Clue. You find it in division.

When writing division problems, we can use three different forms, a fraction, the division symbol (÷) or the division house. Why it has been called the division "house" has always been a mystery to me since most math symbols are named something that sounds important. I tried looking it up on-line, but never found a formal mathematical word. Well the mystery has been partially solved thanks to SamizdatMath on Teachers Pay Teachers who mentioned the word vinculum.

I decided to research "vinculum", and here is what I discovered. It is a Latin word that means to ‘bond’ or ‘tie’, and was first used by Michael Stifel in 1544 in Arithmetica integra. It is the horizontal line used to separate the numerator and denominator in a fraction. We also see it above the digital pattern that repeats in a repeating decimal or in geometry above two letters that represent a line segment.

Originally the line was placed under the items to be grouped. What today might be written 7(3x + 4) the early users of the vinculum would write 3x + 4. Today that line is placed over the items to be grouped. The line of a radical sign or the long division house is also called a vinculum.

The symbol is utilized to separate the dividend from the divisor, and is drawn as a right parenthesis with an attached vinculum (see illustration above) extending to the right. The vinculum shows that the digits of the dividend are to be kept together as they represent one whole number.

But when it is all said and done, the entire division "house" symbol seems to have no established name of its own. How mathematically sad! Consequently, it has simply be termed the "long division symbol," or sometimes the division "bracket" or division "house". So the next time you draw the symbol on the board, impress your students with the math word "vinculum"!

Can you find the vinculums in this cartoon?