As one of their assignments, my college students are required to create a practice test using pre-selected math vocabulary. This activity prompts them to review, look up definitions and apply the information to create ten good multiple choice questions while at the same time studying and assessing the material. Since I want the questions to be more than Level 1 (Remembering) or Level II (Understanding) of Bloom's Taxonomy, I give them the following handout to help them visualize the different levels. My students find it to be simple, self explanatory, easy to understand and to the point.
Level I - Remembering
What is this shape called?
Level II - Understanding
Circle the shape that is a triangle.
Level III - Applying
Enclose this circle in a square.
Level IV - AnalyzingWhat specific shapes were used to draw the picture on your right?
Level V - Evaluating
How is the picture on your right like a real truck? How is it different?
Level VI - Creating
Create a new picture using five different geometric shapes. (You may use the same shape more than once, but you must use five different geometric shapes.)
As teachers, we are only limited by our imagination as to the activities we ask our students to complete to help them prepare for a test. However, we still need to teach and provide information so the students can complete these types of tasks successfully. With the aid of the above chart, my students create well written practice tests using a variety of levels of Bloom's. When the task is completed, my students have also reviewed and studied for their next math exam. I consider that as time well spent!
If you would like a copy of the above chart in a similar but more detailed format, it is available on
Teachers Pay Teachers as a
FREE resource.
Also available is a
simple math dictionary. This 30 page math dictionary for students uses easy and clear definitions as well as formulas and examples so that students can learn and understand new math words without difficulty or cumbersome language. Most definitions include diagrams and/or illustrations for the visual learner. Over 300 common math terms are organized alphabetically for quick reference.
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