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Geometry Humor Can Make Mathematicians Smile

I 've been using Pinterest for as long as I can remember, and I love it. Not only do I post many resources and teaching ideas there, but I learn so-o-o much. For example, I learned how to pack one suitcase with enough stuff for a week. (My husband is thrilled with this one.) I also learned that when you fry bacon, to make a small cup out of aluminum foil; pour the bacon grease into it; let the grease harden; then close up the aluminum cup and toss it into the trash. That is one I use all of the time!

On my Pinterest account I have a board entitled Humor - We Need It! I post many math cartoons or humorous sayings there. My favorite subject to teach my college remedial math students is geometry, and I have plenty of corny jokes that I intersperse into my lessons. Here's one.

What did the little acorn say when it grew up? Gee- I'm - A - Tree! (Geometry)

Or about this one?

What did the Pirate say when his parrot flew away? Polly-Gone (Polygon)

Here are some other geometry funnies from Pinterest.

Try placing a riddle or cartoon in the middle of a test.  I often do, and I know exactly where the students are by their laughs.  It helps them to relax and maybe get rid of those mathphobic tendencies.  I hope these math cartoons brought a smile to your face.  Have a great week of teaching!

You might also like Geometry Parodies, a four page handout that includes 20 unusual definitions of geometry terms. Each definition is a play on words or a parody. Twenty-six geometric terms that are possible answers are listed in a word bank, but not all of the words are used in the matching exercise. An answer key is included.

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