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What Is Your Mindset?

In the fall, I taught a new course entitled Conquering College. We have found that many students entering college are not prepared, lack study skills as well as the soft skills of being on time, regularly doing homework, turning in assignments - on time, etc. This class is required for every student who tests into developmental math and/or reading.  It has three purposes:
  1. To enable students to learn and use Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID) strategies necessary for persistence and success at the college level, 
  2. To develop a learning plan based upon personal abilities and goals, and 
  3. To become more self-reliant in fulfilling academic goals.
During the sixteen weeks, we spent time focusing on the the growth and fixed mindset. If you haven't heard of the fixed mindset and the growth mindset, I'll summarize it this way - it is our attitudes, thoughts and beliefs about something.

Study the two charts below. In which category do you fit? Where would you place many of your students?

Carol Dweck has done a great deal of research on Growth Mindset. There is a ten minute video on You Tube which is well worth watching and sharing with your fellow teachers. It is called How To Help Every Child Fulfill Their Potential. (click on title) If for no other reason, watch it to discover what 15 years of praising children for their intelligence has done to our students. It is definitely eye opening!